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Administrative Building and Academic premises at Sneha Nursing College of Rangpur

Health awareness days or months

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One of the biggest tools we have to fight health conditions is the power of human connection.

That’s why health awareness months, weeks, and days are so important: They rally us together to spread awareness and show support.

Educational and fundraising events are often held at these times to create a ripple effect of positivity and empowerment for not only those living with health conditions but their loved ones, too.

Sure, you’ve heard about the bigger awareness campaigns like Autism, Pediatric Health Concern, Breast Cancer Awareness Month and World AIDS Day.

But what about lesser-known ones, such as National Family Health History Day, Give Kids a Smile Day, or World Hand Hygiene Day?

Keep track of the events you’re passionate about — and discover some new ones, too — with this 2021 calendar of health awareness events will make our lives healthy.


Stay on top of pharmacy trends

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As Directions in Pharmacy we enter its second decade, we are proud of our publication’s continuing role in educating the marketplace on the speciality. Our speciality pharmacy readers are amongst the most informed in health care.

One of our publication goals is to be your ‘go to’ resource for evolving trends. To stay on top of those trends, we urge you to register on our website or 1 of our social media channels to receive our industry-focused emails and other information resources. You can get real-time updates on the business and profession of special pharmacy and special products.

Below are special pharmacy’s top trend:

New Specialty Products and Continued Growth

Special pharmacy became a reality as the result of the emergence of new drug approvals for disease states that lacked adequate therapy or no therapy at all. These new therapies have resulted in eradicating diseases or extending the lives or quality of those lives of millions of individuals. Special products have given hope and relief, and our speciality industry continues to expand and evolve as a result of new drug approvals.

Expect that over the course of the next several years’ products in the categories of oncology, autoimmune disorders, and diabetes will drive therapeutic growth. In a recent IQVIA report, it was pointed out that while speciality medicines were only 2.2% of the prescription volume it is projected that by the end of 2020 speciality medications will account for nearly 50% of the nation’s drug spending.


Anticipate changing patient needs

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To ensure that patient needs are met and that patients flow smoothly through the clinic process, staff look ahead on the schedule to identify patient needs for a given day or week. This advance planning allows the clinic staff time to arrange for specific equipment or tests that may be needed either prior to or at the time of the visit.

Changes for Improvement

Plan the Visit

Preventive medicine and chronic care guidelines are examples of prompts that can be embedded electronically or used manually to generate information that the care team needs on the day of the clinic visit. The prompt tells the care team that the patient may be due for a sigmoidoscopy, flu shot and pneumococcal vaccine, or a HgA1c test for diabetes, for example.

Obtain and Prepare All Required Information, Equipment, and Supplies Prior to the Patient-Provider Interaction

Obtain and prepare all required information, equipment, and supplies prior to the day of an appointment whenever possible. This removes work on the day of the appointment and allows for advance planning for special resources required to meet the patient’s needs.

Use a “chart check” as an inspection step prior to the synchronization point (physician entering exam room) to reduce the chances that physicians (a scarce resource) and patients (the key customer) will have to wait for necessary information (e.g., lab results or diagnostic tests, etc.) at the time of the visit.

A clinician can make note of the critical elements necessary for the next visit. Staff can then ensure that these critical elements are available or reschedule the follow-up visit rather than create a wasted visit. Staff can use the reason for visit or prior office note to anticipate equipment needs such as cryo machine for warts, “eye cart” for corneal abrasion, etc. 

Create a Reminder System for Planned Care

As part of a planned approach to care for all patients (e.g., those with chronic conditions as well as all patients needing screening and preventive services), a reminder system can be used to trigger a specific care team/patient interaction. Automatic systems that are generated from an electronic medical record or registry are especially effective, but the same concept can be used with manual systems. The triggering system prompts staff to schedule some type of interactions (e.g., phone call, visit appointment, email communication, etc.) with the patient at a prescribed time.